Monthly Archives: October 2014

2 posts

Pregnancy # 2 Announcement

It is with great joy and excitement that I announce little lady’s promotion to BIG SISTER!  We will welcome our new little love bug home in April of 2015!! 
Now, the details! 
How / When did you find out?
During the Month of August I’d been feeling quite nauseated, tired, and just over all blah. I decided that I “couldn’t be pregnant!”  and figured I was over training. I had just started doing PIYO six days a week, and was running 3 days a week. Additionally, i’d just gone back to work full time So, I thought I was just plain tired. 
Well… There was about 3 days in Early September that I was physically unable to move. Every time I moved, I would be instantly dizzy and nauseated – thankfully it was a weekend so I was hoping I’d feel better enough for work on Monday, but when Monday rolled around and I was still vomiting and  I called in sick. By 11 a.m. I was so weak I called my husband and asked him to come take me to urgent care. 
The nurse asked for my permission to give me a pregnancy test and I agreed.
The doctor told me I was “dehydrated” and there is a bug going around. He said he could give me some fluids and anti-nausea medication and send me home, so we agreed that i’d go get some rest. 
Since he didn’t say anything about the test, I figured It was just dehydration and was happy to get some medication and be on my way. 
A few minutes later the doctor runs back in and says 
Now, at this moment in time I had a baby who wasn’t even 7 months old. … 
I looked at him with a blank stare and then burst into tears. 
How close in age will they be? 

15 months. 
How are you feeling?

This pregnancy is far different than my first. I have been so sick. Zero appetite, Zero desire to even hydrate, I just feel blah. 
I’ve lost about 5 pounds, and am hoping the nausea will stop soon so that eating will stop feeling like a chore. 
Goofy Challenge?
After many conversations with my doctor, I have been cleared (for now) to keep running and training.   
It’s been a struggle to run because I’ve been so sick, but when I’m running, the nausea goes away… 
So, maybe I can just run all the time? 
As my pregnancy progresses we will see how I feel, but I am not too proud to walk if I have to or even wait for the bus if I feel its better for our baby. 
My doctor keeps telling me “don’t be a hero, just know your body”  So, that’s my new mantra… “don’t be a hero, don’t be a hero”… 
I don’t want anything. 
Except, the other day I wanted spaghetti o’s. … That was odd. 
Question of the day: Do you have a sibling or children less than two years apart? 

Packing for a Disney Race with a Baby.

As we approach Disney’s Tower of Terror weekend, my day planner is filled with checklists and deadlines to help get us out the door! Our original goal was to get out of town by 8:00 a.m., but my pediatrician called and said little lady needs a flu shot – so, looks like we won’t be getting our “runcation” on for a few more hours.

So sad.

When we were a Party of Two, life was much easier to pack for. We could throw everything in 1 bag and get out the door as quickly as we could wake up!

Now that we are a family of 3, that’s not the case. Here are three tips I follow to get out our family out the door!

1) Make a plan!
As a type-a person, this isn’t difficult for me.  Planning is pretty much my life, and a good plan always helps me stay focused and calm. What do I “plan for” you ask? well, it typically starts with a spread sheet, or some type of written document with ALL the things we want to do each day. This includes reservations, check in times, recommended outfits and anything that I don’t want to forget.

Once I have a plan, I start a list.

2) Household duties to accomplish before leaving.
I always start a list of things I want to accomplish around the house before we leave. This includes, laundry, items to buy, dishes and cleaning. I usually share this with my husband so he knows what I want to accomplish and he’s always VERY helpful to get everything done.

3) Over pack.
Have you ever traveled with a baby? Seriously, I never in my life imagined how much stuff it would take to keep your baby happy on a trip. For this trip we will be running the Tower of Terror 10-Miler and my wonderful parents are going to come hang out with little lady in our hotel while my husband and I go play! So, my plan is to pack plenty of clothing, diapers and wipes. I will also pack her sheets from home, and the pack-and-play she’s used to sleeping in at her Abuela’s house and a few toys from home to help keep her occupied.

Along with over-packing, I always pack a baby first aid kit because you never know when your baby is going to start teething and run a fever, or get a runny nose etc. My biggest lesson learned is – just take it.

We live fairly local (about 5 hours away) so we can drive ourselves and “over packing” isn’t really a problem. If I had to fly, I think I’d still take the extra diapers, food, etc – but something large like the pack and play would probably have to stay home.

So, we are so excited about this vacation and I can’t WAIT to run the Tower of Terror 10-Miler with my love!

Question: What are your packing tips?