Why I Ditched PIYO.

So, I quit PIYO. 
Even though my overall fitness goal for 2017 is to build my core, and my February goal was to decrease back fat. 
I had to quit. 
After a month of frustration with the inability to get the workouts in, I just came to terms with the fact that I just couldn’t fully commit to the program. 

It’s all about understanding your season of life. If I want to get my workout done, I have to do it first thing in the morning, first thing in the morning when only 1 of my 3 children are awake. 
So, my current morning routine includes:
  • Get woken up by a toddler around 6:30 a.m.
  • Feed the baby
  • Feed the toddler
  • Put on ocean noise, to help the baby drift back into sleep
  • Workout. 
Since PIYO has a lot of workouts that you are either in plank position, or on the floor and I have a 25 pound toddler who uses me as a jungle gym anytime i’m near the floor, I just couldn’t do it. 
I was getting frustrated, and I didn’t feel that was the appropriate feeling to have towards exercise. So, I ditched PIYO. 
This isn’t the season of life for me to be doing PIYO. 
Why not workout before your kids wake up? 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret about having three kids, three years old and younger.
There are only a few hours that all three children are sleeping at the same time. Therefore, it is crucial that you take advantage and also SLEEP. 
According to my Fit Bit, I am sleeping about 3-5 hours a night, with anywhere from 7-15 “restless” periods. 
Notttttt a whole lot of sleep happening. 

So, I’m sorry Chalene Johnson hopefully we can reconnect and workout again in the future. 
Question of the day: What workout program did you have trouble committing to? 
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